Thursday, August 28, 2008

The bedroom

This is my bedroom. During the holliday I tried to make something of the room, and yet it is still not finished. As you can see in the left corner, my curtains are too long, and the wall on the right side is not really how I want it to be. But in the weekends I work on the room. Don't you just love my bed? I love it. I bought it secondhand and the bed is handmade. On the left side I have an old table I got for free from my neighbours, and all the pink stuff that's on it, is from a thriftshop. On the right side is my second hand table and everything what's on there is secondhand too. On the bed you see my little friends. Can't sleep without them. And yes, I'm maybe a little bit too old for them (19) but I don't care. If my monkey is not around I can't sleep. (I called him 'aapie', that's dutch for monkey) Hope to show you more pictures when it's finally done.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


The lack of updates wasn't only because I had to go to school or to work, it was also because I lost a couple of friends. Or actually, I decided not to be friends with them anymore. Right now, I haven't got much friends in 'real life', only one really good one, and my mother ofcourse (she is my biggest inspiration). When I was younger I had more friends, but now I'm growing up I realise that some people don't really deserve to be my friend. I had a friend, who told everything to me, all her problems, and all her joys. But when I had a problem or whatever, she never listened. She always told me she rather stay with her other friend, but because that friend had something else to do, she called me. I felt used. She was always angry with me when I went out with somebody else, or met new friends, she couldn't handle that and we broke up our friendship. In the last two months, I broke up with another 'friend'. She was talking behind my back and chose the side of a boy who hates me and did really bad things to me. Now I have only one good friend left, but she's everything to me. We have some arguments at the time, but we always have a way to figure out things. We always stay friends en she's is always there for me (just like I'm there for her). I don't know if you people know hyves? It's something like 'myspace' but it's the dutch version. I have a lot of 'friends' there, over 300. I know them from former jobs and even from school, but I never speak to them in real life. Some of them wanted me to become their friend on 'hyves', but when I asked how they are and what they do right now, they didn't respond. So last week I started to delete all my 'friends' who are just people I 'used' to know, and never speak with them in real life. Maybe I'll delete my whole account on hyves...
Long story, I'm sorry, and I'm sorry for the mistakes, my English isn't really good, but what do you think of friendship? Have you got many friends? Or just one friend you know sure that you can trust him/her and it comes in both ways?

Sunday, August 24, 2008


I'm really sorry for the lack of updates. I'm very busy with school and with my new job at Schiphol (I work at the tax free shops, when you're around, visit me ;-) ) And my inspiration was a bit gone, but I think it's back. Still searching for it, but I find itsy bitsy pieces, so I hope I'll have it all back soon. No more talking for now, just watching:

by appleapplegreen's (flickr)

by Lina.S (flickr)
by Jean (flickr)